Wednesday, April 15, 2015

the girl and the sea

i wish that on rainy days society would gather together and agree to cancel everything, i'm pretty confident that everyone would be ok with that decision, yeah?

rainy day essentials:
^iced coffee
^comfy bed
^Josh Garrels
^comfy clothes

i made this iced coffee a few days ago and let's just say i could drink it constantly for the rest of time.  it took 24 hours to make and a ridiculous amount of coffee grounds but it's so strong and delicious.

thankfully my school has super comfortable mattresses which was a pleasant surprise, i was convinced i was going to have to sleep on a brick for 9 months but, thankfully, i was proven wrong.

Josh Garrels is an artist i was recently introduced to and his voice is so soothing and his words bring so much peace.

since i can basically can swim to class because it has been raining so much, i felt it appropriate to be swimming in my clothes.  there is something so comfortable about overly sized shirts, it's like i'm wearing nothing but obviously i am--what a beautiful contradiction.  so a big shout out to whatever old man or woman owned this shirt before me because it's great.  to trudge through the puddles i wore black Chelsea boots but they are rain boots from Meijer.  for those who are from the north you know Meijer and who would have thought that they would have such perfect rain boots?  and to keep the comfy vibe going i wore leggings because no matter what anyone says leggings can be pants and they are probably the most comfortable thing you will ever wear


p.s. don't trust anyone that says you can't wear black and blue together because last time i checked you can do whatever you want